View Your WordPress Form Entry

For this part of the tutorial, you’ll need at least one form entry that you can print out. If you don’t have any entries yet, you can go ahead and fill out your form with a test entry.

Next, in the WordPress dashboard, go to WPForms » Entries in the navigation menu.

Opening the WPForms Entries page

Then click the form name.

Viewing entries for a contact form

Now you can see all of the entries for that form. We’re going to click View next to an entry to open it.

View WordPress form entry

Now we can see the entry in full. The part we want to look at is underneath in the Actions section.

Here, you’ll find a bunch of useful links that let you:

  • Print or Export the entry
  • Resend the email notifications
  • Mark the entry as Unread in the WordPress dashboard
  • Star the entry so you can easily find it later

Go ahead and click Print.

Printing an entry for a contact form

The Print option lets you save the form entry as a PDF. We’ll show you how to do this next.

3. Print Your PDF

Great! So you’ve clicked Print on your form entry.

Then click the Print button at the top.

Print button on WordPress form entry

Now we just need to choose the right settings in the Print dialog.

The next few screenshots show how to print a PDF in Chrome. If you use a different browser, the options will look a little different.

Here’s the print dialog with a preview of the form next to it. Did you notice how the dropdown says Save as PDF at the top?

If yours says the name of your printer, go ahead and click the Destination dropdown to change it to Save as PDF or Microsoft Print to PDF.

Choose printer to print WordPress form to PDF

If you don’t see the option to save to PDF, you’ll need to check your browser documentation to find out how to enable it.

All done. Click Save to save the form entry as a PDF.

And that’s it! Your final PDF will look similar to this. You might have a little more space around the entry, depending on your settings.

WordPress form entry - printed to PDF

Great! Now your form entry is in its own PDF file that you can attach to emails or save on your computer.